Turn your ideas into immersive reality! Italy’s first 360˚ film production race!
Alpe Adria Cinema is organizing, in collaboration with PAG (Progetto Area Giovani del Comune di Trieste) the first Italian hackathon for the production of 360˚ video.
The participants, from 18 to 35 years old, divided into teams and assigned to a tutor who is an expert in Virtual Reality, will have 32 hours to produce a 360˚ film at Polo Giovani Toti in Piazza della Cattedrale 4/a in Trieste on the 19th and 20th of January 2018.
A jury made up of experts in the audiovisual sector and a representative from the Comune di Trieste will reward the best film produced with a 360˚ video camera!
To take part you must register for the event on Eventbrite. By registering you accept the terms and conditions of the initiative.
The registration fee is €30 for early birds who sign up before the 31st of December, and €50 from the 1st of January 2018. The deadline for registration is the 10th of January 2018.
For further information please write to aac@alpeadriacinema.it
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