A few hours from the opening of the Cinema Excelsior's doors the volunteers are running around with a frantic rhythm: pasting thousands of postcards in a way that forms mosaic set designs, discarding the brand new purple carpet, making sure that everything is in order to welcome the public. The last indications to the usherettes from the wellknown director and the evening quickly draws nearer.

Inexorably counting down the minutes... the final customary touches before going on stage: sorting out the seats, positioning the lights, ready? The people champ at the bit to enter... the doors open! In order the numerous people head for the stairs: sold out to attend the directing debut of the popstar Madonna with her film Filth and Wisdom which started off the 20th edition of the Trieste Film Festival.

A wild start with a film filled with energy and humour, with great thanks to the noted and irresistible performance of Eugene Hütz, actor and front man of the gipsy-punk band Gogol Bordello. The hilarious visionary comedy seems to shake the grand consensus of the public in the auditorium: everyone pleasantly surprised by the directorial gift of the Queen of Pop and fascinated by the picturesque protagonist.
An opening evening that has succeeded to meet all the requirements even of the lovers of a more classical cinema: almost in the contemporary, a restorated copy of Rossellini’s Viaggio in Italia (Journey to Italy) was projected in the Sala Azzurra, a film that in part pays the festival’s homage to James Joycse.
The wheels of the festival are have been put into motion...

Photogallery: 15.01.2009

Elena .... ancora mail...

Monica, Cianci, Giovanna... finalmente un  momento di relax...

Nicoletta nel suo ufficio

Una vera signora non esce mai senza un filo di trucco!

Elena... Pina Menichelli...

Prima della prima... 20 anni dopo...!!!

Ingresso trionfale


All'interno del festival

Sorrisi accoglienti

Ora et labora

Tutti sull'attenti!

Dove la magia accade

Palcoscenico fashion

Riunione ai piani alti

Una sbirciatina fra le tende..

Attente maschere

Vigile attesa

Esperte in mosaici

Doppio spettacolo

Fulminee pulizie

Tira e molla

Frenesie plastiche

Il colore viola

Gli angeli dell'Excelsior

Scalata al successo

Max:- Tu vai lā!

Max:- Tu vai lā!

forza ragazze si ricomincia!


Esperte nell'arte del taglio

Tutto č pronto!

L'Excelsior risplende

ore 19.10 inizia la fila al cinema Excelsior

Tutti in fila!!

ore 19.40 la fila al cinema Excelsior

Il fascino del cinema

La fila si allunga

Raggi lunari

Aumenta la folla

Fervente attesa

Il pubblico entra sfrecciando

Luci della ribalta

Il pubblico prende posto

Annamaria Percavassi apre la

Cinema al cinema

Il regista Jerzj Stuhr e Annamaria Percavassi direttore artistico del TFF ed Ewelyn Dewald Percavassi

Il festival ha inizio!!

Elena Giuffrida alla serata inaugale

Discorso d'apertura

Ombre cinesi

Foto, foto, foto!

Debutto inaugurale


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